Aktualności EN

Visiting the exhibition during the school month

23.03.2023 r.

As part of the School Month campaign, we opened up part of the exhibition to the public. It was possible to test and we collected feedback to improve the PCN.

From our first experience, we provide some tips and advice on visiting the Łukasiewicz PCN.

- The Podkarpackie Science Centre Łukasiewicz is not a museum.

There are no guides telling you about the exhibits. There are no designated directions for sightseeing. We encourage you to experience on your own, guided by your own curiosity.

- It is worth reading the instructions

You will find instructions on how to use the exhibits.

- Our exhibits are test benches.

You have to push something, turn a crank, sometimes even shout or jump, but this is not a playground.

- Here you can discover your passions and develop your interests.

- No stupid questions

At the PCN you can ask questions or ask our educators for help. Here, no one judges you. It's normal to not know or understand something, you don't have to be ashamed of it. Try to look for the answers yourself. Our educators can help you.

Podkarpackie Science Centre "Łukasiewicz" and everything becomes clear!

photos: Magdalena Tobiasz-Dawidowicz

The project 'Establishment of the Podkarpackie Science Centre' is co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund under the Regional Operational Programme of the Podkarpackie Voivodeship 2014-2020, Measure: 6.4. Educational infrastructure. The beneficiary of the project is the Provincial House of Culture in Rzeszów.

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