Creation of the Subcarpathian Science Centre
Project objective:
The Podkarpackie Science Centre, as a tool for informal education, will become a response to the currently changing role of education. One of the centre's objectives will be to show the world of science and technology in an attractive and comprehensible form, but also to spread innovative, health-oriented and ecological attitudes. The facility will contribute to the development of children and young people's practical skills through active participation in demonstrations and thematic workshops, and to the reduction of social exclusion related to access to science and modern methods of acquiring knowledge while maintaining intergenerational integration. The centre's mission will be to show the complexity and interdependence between the natural world, the people living in it and the achievements of our civilisation. The holistic vision of the centre's offer will enable cross-cutting and attractive transmission of interdisciplinary scientific knowledge in areas related to the region's specificities and its smart specialisations. The centre's extensive programme offer will be based on the example of aviation, space science, information technology and issues related to the broadly understood quality of life, with a set of exhibits that is unique in the country and an extensive programme of activities. The recipients of the centre's offer will be mainly school and pre-school children and adolescents, secondary school pupils and students, but also adults, including teachers and seniors. The material scope of the project proposal will include all activities aimed at building and equipping the facility with exhibits and displays, laboratory equipment and other equipment necessary for the proper functioning of the unit.The creation of the Podkarpackie Science Centre as an institution popularising science and innovation will contribute to strengthening education in the region, improving the quality and efficiency of teaching, equal opportunities in access to science and innovation, and strengthening the competitiveness of Podkarpackie and the intellectual potential of its residents.