Mobile exhibition

About the Mobile Exhibition of the Podkarpackie Science Centre 

What can you see?
The Mobile Exhibition of the PCN is a collection of fifteen exhibits, showing the essence of what you will be able to see, touch and try at our premises. 

What can you touch?
Most of the exhibits are interactive and encourage visitors to experiment for themselves. As a result, the exhibits arouse curiosity and encourage you to ask questions: How is it made? How does it work? 

What can be explored and understood?
The exhibits relate to what can be experienced in the PCN in line with the slogans:

  • "The World Around Us", i.e. what is natural, nature, the laws governing the world, physical and chemical phenomena, the structure of animate and inanimate matter, ecological systems. 
  • With mobile exhibition exhibits such as "The life cycle of a tree", "What kind of wood is it", "Oxygen" you can learn about the properties of oxygen compounds, leaf shapes, the appearance of wood of different species through play.
  • "Our Civilisation", i.e. what we humans have produced using our skills and acquired knowledge, artefacts, technique and technology, mathematics, culture, etc. Using the exhibits, you can create an animated film, learn about the workings of the kivon. 
  • "We the People", i.e. the functioning of the human body, senses, anatomy and physiology, cognitive processes, reason - logical thinking, etc. With the help of exhibits such as "Torques", "Who's Next", "The Power of Human Muscles", you can play with the moment of inertia, try out the strength of your muscles or compare your jump, to the jumps of various animals. 

How do you invite a mobile exhibition to your school or event?

If you represent a school, university, cultural or educational institution, municipality or run an association or foundation, you can invite us to your place, where experienced animators will conduct activities and presentations using our mobile exhibits.

To do this, it is best to email with a description of where and when you would like to invite us, how many people can attend, whether the event you are organising is free of charge for participants.

The arrival of our mobile exhibition is free of charge, but it is necessary to meet the technical requirements according to the conditions in the document available at the link: PCN Mobile Exhibition Technical Requirements. Failure to ensure that the conditions are met may result in your application being rejected.

The project 'Establishment of the Podkarpackie Science Centre' is co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund under the Regional Operational Programme of the Podkarpackie Voivodeship 2014-2020, Measure: 6.4. Educational infrastructure. The beneficiary of the project is the Provincial House of Culture in Rzeszów.

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