Aktualności EN

Representatives of the tourism industry at the PCN

28.03.2023 r.

The Podkarpackie Science Centre "Łukasiewicz" is not only a centre for the popularisation of science, but also a new tourist attraction on the map of the Podkarpackie voivodeship.
To meet industry expectations, we invited representatives of travel agencies and tourist organisations who plan trips for organised groups to a study visit. They visited the PCN's exhibitions and became acquainted with the offer of workshops in the studios. They also shared their observations and comments on the future functioning of the PCN.
Podkarpackie Science Centre "Łukasiewicz" and everything becomes clear!

The project 'Establishment of the Podkarpackie Science Centre' is co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund under the Regional Operational Programme of the Podkarpackie Voivodeship 2014-2020, Measure: 6.4. Educational infrastructure. The beneficiary of the project is the Provincial House of Culture in Rzeszów.

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