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Our educator conquers the 16th Rzeszów Conference of Young Physicists!

05.06.2023 r.

We are pleased to announce that our intrepid educator, Natalia Biało, had the honor of participating in the 16th Rzeszow Conference of Young Physicists, held on June 2, 2023 at the University of Rzeszow. Natalia was qualified as a speaker, which is an extraordinary honor for our PCN Łukasiewicz.

As part of the conference, Natalia had the opportunity to give a presentation on "Astroacoustics and sonification in applied music." As part of the presentation, Natalia presented a project to develop musical scales based on celestial bodies and other extraterrestrial phenomena. She presented both the aesthetic qualities of these scales and a comparison with already existing scales on Earth. The conclusions to be drawn from this project could have great significance for the future of music. As Natalia herself said:

(...) the project I am working on is about the emergence of musical scales, from translated into acoustic waves, electromagnetic or radio wave frequencies. Perhaps in this way it will be possible to understand and describe music not from this Earth.

Natalia Biala's participation in the conference was a real treat and an unforgettable experience for both her and the participants. Her presentation shows that the PCN Łukasiewicz is staffed by passionate people with deep knowledge in various fields of science.

We would like to thank Natalia for her inspiring presentation, which illuminated our vision of music not only on Earth, but also beyond it. We wish all conference participants unforgettable impressions and inspiration from the fascinating world of astroacoustics and sonification.

The project 'Establishment of the Podkarpackie Science Centre' is co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund under the Regional Operational Programme of the Podkarpackie Voivodeship 2014-2020, Measure: 6.4. Educational infrastructure. The beneficiary of the project is the Provincial House of Culture in Rzeszów.

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