Aktualności EN

First Day of Spring – workshops on building nesting boxes for birds

21.03.2023 r.

On the first day of spring at the FabLab PCN, we made nesting boxes for birds.

Under the supervision of instructors, they used drills, grinders and screwdrivers. Everyone also received a key ring specially made on a laser plotter during the workshop.
The FabLab workshop is a place not only for DIY enthusiasts, but also for model-makers, architects, artists or engineers to create prototypes of devices and new inventions using available materials and tools. In our FabLab you can make simple furniture as well as a computerised growbox, a modern lamp and a designer decoration for a room.

Check out our current offer of themed classes and special workshops dedicated to both younger participants (grades 1-3, 4-6, 7-8) and adults looking for inspiration or simply DIY enthusiasts who want to create their own project.
Booking at https://pcn.org.pl/kupbilet/

Here is a photo report from the workshop by Magdalena Tobiasz-Dawidowicz

Podkarpackie Science Centre "Łukasiewicz" and everything becomes clear!

The project 'Establishment of the Podkarpackie Science Centre' is co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund under the Regional Operational Programme of the Podkarpackie Voivodeship 2014-2020, Measure: 6.4. Educational infrastructure. The beneficiary of the project is the Provincial House of Culture in Rzeszów.

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